hyperbole & 1/2



Sweaty remnants of yellow hot pants and legwarmers litter my floor. Streams of ribbon and fabric laid about like guts. Tangible evidence that its all over. The party has come and gone. The months of anticipation, the trips to the store for last minute items, the tires spinning at 90 MPH.

It was 5:28 when I starting freaking out. An empty skate floor was audience to the profanity leaping from my lips. Imagine my joy when the crowd poured in fashionably late. Love is disco music, wood floors, afro wigs, ruffle shirts and asses hitting the floor every 5 minutes. I heard the sound of my ungreased bearings rolling and my favorite song playing. The thirty minutes where I wasn't directing anyone or setting anything up will go down in the history book of good times to be remembered.

It was stressful, it was upsetting, it was grand. If I could do it all again, I wouldn't.

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