hyperbole & 1/2



Day 1:

I couldn't stop thinking about how hungry I was and my stomach just wouldn't let up all morning. I longed for a coffee coolatta and egg & cheese on an english muffin. Sipping the lemonade helped temporarily with the pains.

As I was carrying a dish back to the kitchen I was practically salivating over a leftover cherry tomato and cornichon pickle.

The lunch shift seemed absolutely endless. I think because I didn't have my normal break where I sit down to lunch. I would grit my teeth every time a table came in after 2:00 pm because I just wanted to sit and rest my legs.. my body was feeling quite achey. But once all the dinner staff got in, my mood brightened. There was work to do and people to talk to. Around 7:00 pm I no longer felt hungry and I actually had quite a bit of energy.

There is just food everywhere, and I guess I'm becoming more aware of how much I would graze at work. Dinner rolls, french fries in the kitchen, leftover cake from parties.. But honestly, I didn't feel an overwhelming craving for any of it, just a sort of sadness that I couldn't have it.

I left work around 8:00 because it was a slow night. I wasn't very hungry the rest of the night and fell asleep much more quickly than normal. I think I was exhausted.

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