hyperbole & 1/2



Day 7:

I woke up extra early to drink the stupid sea water, and I still wasn't feeling 100% when I left for work. Why does it take my body 3+ hours to get it all out?

Oh, the laxative tea is awesome, by the way. Any new taste is a welcomed taste. I put nearly a half teaspoon in, to sweeten it a bit. I didn't notice much difference, but I suppose it can't hurt so I'll keep having it.

Only worked lunch shift today and it was a breeze. I got really tired and took a nap after work. It felt really refreshing. One hour seemed like 3, it is usually the opposite.

Didn't drink all the required lemonade OR water today, but I didn't feel like I needed the whole jug.

I'm working a double shift tomorrow and I'm worried that I'm gonna get really tired like I did today. And there is nowhere to nap at work.

At this point, I feel like I can go ten days with no sweat.

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